Magento 2 get shipping and billing address by order id

Check below code snippet to get shipping and billing address of order by order id. $orderid = 2; $objectManager = \Magento\Framew...
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Magento 2 get customer information by order id

We can get customer information of particular order by order id using below code. $orderid = 2; $objectManager = \Magento\Framework...
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Magento 2 get order payment information by order id programmatically

We can get order payment information data by order id using below code snippet. $orderid = 2; $objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App...
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How to run magento-2 script in root with custom php file

Using below code snippet you can run any magento 2 script in custom php file. so create a custom php file like test.php in root folder w...
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PHP Condition to check space is available or not between two or more words

Using below code we can get that space is available or not btween two or more words. $str = 'Hello World!'; if ($str == trim($...
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